Friday, December 19, 2008

Article Marketing is Hot, Article Content is Not

I've been reviewing articles for newsletters and sites for over 10 years and about 7 years ago I launched, now one of the largest free article content directories on the Web. In that time, the volume of article content being pumped out has mushroomed, but the overall quality has seriously declined. One of the main reasons for this decline has been the growing realization by webmasters and marketers that articles are an effective and free means for acquiring back links and traffic.

Article writing has become a red flag drawing would be writers from every walk of life and every area of real or imagined expertise. Just like web sites spawned search engines and a host of secondary support services (SEO, site submission, etc.), article writing has given birth to article directories, article submission services, ghost writing, and article SEO. Article directories and article search engines are now struggling with the same problem that web search engines have grappled with for years - crap content.

Here are some of the most common article submission problems I've seen:

1. Blatant copyright violation and plagiarism.

2. Short advertorials trying to pass as articles.

3. Articles that have a catchy title and absolutely no worthwhile content. Generally, the publication guidelines for these articles are longer than the article.

4. Recycled article content. The topic and the content has been written about ad nauseum.

5. Software generated articles. Read like the author was on drugs.

Winnowing through the mountains of useless published content has become a full time endeavor for article directories, newsletter publishers and anyone looking for useful information. The demand for quality article content hasn't waned but the challenges for the article content industry continue to grow.

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