Tuesday, November 11, 2008

4 Secrets To Creating Your Own Money Making Website

Building a website that drives tons of free traffic to your business opportunity landing page is the dreams and desires of every home based business entrepreneur. But just having a nice looking website is not likely to get you the traffic you need to make huge profits. Your site needs to be optimized to drive that traffic your way.

I'm sure you have seen and possibly clicked on those nice fancy sites from some well-known business opportunity. It sure did look nice, and I'm sure they spend thousands of dollars having their experts create a well organized site. But did you buy from them or where you just browsing?

So although it's great to have lots of free traffic coming to your site, it needs to be optimized to your target market so you're getting the right people to purchase your product of service.

So just how do you get this coveted traffic?
Search Engines - make friends with your local search engine. And when you do you'll find they really don't care much about how pretty your business opportunity website looks. It can't even read those nice fancy flashing graphics someone spent so much time placing in just the right place. What the search engines are looking for is content.

The internet is all about information. So the search engines are looking for good content when someone surfs the internet for information on your particular business opportunity.

You've heard the old business adage LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. Well on the internet a businesses success is with INFORMATION, INFORMATION, INFORMATION.

So what do I do?
Simply provide the information your target market is looking for. Building a moneymaking website is not as hard as many may think. Here are a few tips to get you started.

1. Create a blog.
These are interactive and easy to maintain. There are several nice Wordpress products available that will provide fully optimized templates, taking the guess work out it. Or you can use many of the free templates posted all over the internet and add a few plugins.

2. Make sure that you have as many on-page keywords.
in your blog posts that the search engines will look for when someone enters that as their search criteria for your niche.

3. Create as many hyper-links to your business opportunity product as you desire.
This is your blog so you have the say so. Don't go crazy however; you might be viewed as spamming.

4. Now use Google Analytics to monitor the traffic.
This tool gives you great stats on who is hitting your blog and then going on to your product or service page. If you find that you have a lot of traffic that is not converting, change the keywords on the blog to more tightly target your business niche.

None of this is hard, just time consuming. And you don't have to have any degrees to create your own moneymaking website. Everything mentioned here is free; other than some hosting that will cost you a little bit of money, making all the free traffic and potential profits a real deal.

Now you know what 99% of all the successful internet marketers know. Spend some time and reap the profits.

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