Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Hard Line Keyword Sales Pitch

Have you ever tried to be nice to one of those kids making money for college by allowing them to "clean your carpet" for free? Then, after they sucked all that dirt out of one little spot, you remembered they couldn't leave until their "supervisor" came to pick them up? You knew that you would have to suffer through one of those tenacious hard-line salesmen before you could get rid of the two of them.

Here is a technique that makes your web page do the job of that supervisor. It's for use when your main objective is to sell, or otherwise convert the visitor, and you have a good product, for which there is a ready market.

With this technique, the goal is to take our share of those customers who are already looking every day for the product that we want to sell. It is a hard line approach from the search engine robot's point of view. To the human reader, your web site will feel organized, authoritative and give a sense of credibility to your business, encouraging the "buy" or sign-up from those who are serious, ready-to-buy customers.

Start with the Domain
Let's say we want to sell bat houses.

If we were real people looking for a place to buy a bat house, we would start with our favorite search engine and do a search for "bat houses." Because this is the first phrase that comes to mind when thinking of our product, we know that the most efficient and aggressive domain for this product from a keyword standpoint would be bathouse.com. It should be a dot com domain because most people are still conditioned to automatically associate it with the domain name, even after being told the top level domain is .net or .org.

After our potential customer finds our web site the first time, we want them to be able to remember it and return -- especially if they didn't buy the first time, or once they need three more bat houses after they see how well this one works.

If our first choice of domain name is taken already, we will try variations until we come up with something that is similar. For very popular keywords, we may have to work a bit to get what we want. Other variations of bat house could be:


For very popular keywords, even these will be taken, so we get more creative with domains like:


Most domain providers will offer suggestions for variations as well. We want to stay as close to the original keyword as we can.

The Domain is Our Keyword
Because our domain is our keyword, every internal link we create and every page in our domain reinforces our relevance.

Keyword optimizing is easy. Make title, meta tags, descriptions, etc, begin with the domain name, in this case "bat house."

We will use every optimization technique for links and images that follow on the remainder of the page, by filling all the tags with our keywords, and using names for links and images that relate to the keyword.

Be certain that all of your images are named for the keyword.


Use at least three images that have high visual relevance to the domain name / keyword. We would not use pictures of bats flying in the wild. We want images of the house(s) we have to sell, or if we have just one, we'll show the house in different views, sizes or uses.

You will often see images used as order links on web pages. While they are pretty, we want to create an ORDER link that is populated by our keywords. We are opting to use text over an image because we want the words to draw the human eye, as well as the search engine robot's eye.

In addition, many of the sites returned in top search engine results may be bat related sites and not have bat houses for sale at all. Because of the placement and wording of this order link, the keywords it contains will most likely show up in the short description of the site. For the surfer who already knows they want to buy a bat house, this is a way to encourage that customer to select our site from among the other ten listed on the result page.

In the example shown below, we may also get delivery information and the guarantee wording listed in the description.

Place this link in at least the following spaces on the web page:

1. Side navigation links
2. Top navigation links
3. Footer navigation links
4. In the first paragraph of text
5. After the final paragraph

Text and Keyword for Aggressive Sales
We are not going to talk about psychological sales techniques and using certain triggers to get customers to buy. If we did not have a strong product, with a market already defined, we may have had to use those methods. As it is, our product's market is set, so our job is to convince the customer that our web is the best place to buy, not to convince them they need the product.

To do that, we are going to take the high road and use a writing style that funnels our visitor through the information they want to see and then to the sale. Instead of relying on sales method, we'll rely on our information, and the strategic placement and use of keywords to close our sale.

The text will be specific, using five keyword strong paragraphs.

Paragraph one will introduce the product briefly.

* The first sentence will start with Bat house and describe the use.
* Sentence two will tell the product's rating from good to best, and cite the source of the rating if there is one.
* The third sentence states your delivery policy and guarantee.
* The fourth sentence tells why your company is worthy of buying from.
* The last sentence covers the order procedure.

These are sentences that introduce, not give detail. We want to allow the person who already knows they want to buy to get on with it and not make them wade through a sales pitch. There is no sense in wasting their time. For the customer who wants to make sure this is the right place to buy, or that we have the product they are looking for, we are going to outline what we have and what we can do in this paragraph.

In the remainder of the text that comes after paragraph one, take the time to expound on what is said in the introduction. In fact, the other paragraphs on this page are defined by the sentences in the first.

* Paragraph one is the introduction
* Paragraph two will tell about the product's rating
* Paragraph three tells the delivery policy and guarantee
* Paragraph four tells a bit about our company and why we are the best source for supply of bat houses.
* Paragraph five gives details about how to order, and is followed by the text order link as discussed above.

Each paragraph states the keyword as the first words of the first sentence. We aren't forced to use the keyword in the body of each paragraph after the first sentence, but probably will, simply because it is most descriptive of the product.

In each paragraph, create contextual links to pages that give more detail, or to our order page. We won't link to anything that is not directly related to the sale. Not to other products we have to offer, or to other interesting pages about bats on our website.

If we also sell bat house cleaner, we are going to avoid the temptation to tack on a sales pitch for bat house cleaner on our bat house sales page.

It is more aggressive to create a home page with links to our various products, or to create a thank you page after the sale with reference to the bat house cleaner and other products. If using the thank you page, we also want to tell the customer to save the page for verification of the sale. That way, they will see the add-on, keyword rich sales pitches any time they check the information for the guarantee period, or if they want to buy another bat house.

To increase keyword prevalence on our page, we will include links to bat sites. For this area we can afford to be altruistic. We can use links to bat societies; bat farms, an article on Wikipedia, to Ask.com, anywhere that relates to bats as a whole.

We do not want to include links to our competition anywhere on this page . If a sale is going to be made, we want that sale made on our web. Remember to make links open in a new window.

The website footer is a perfect place to reinforce our keyword rich links to important parts of the web, like the product page and the order page, or a coupon page. A link to the guarantee is also good here. Don't forget a link to reload the page or to go to the top. Again, all of these links should be named to reflect the keyword and have tags filled with the keyword phrase.

Using one keyword phrase, we have developed a keyword rich page that focuses on sales for one product. Every element, from header to footer and text in between courts the search engine robot, while satisfying the human visitor.

We have eliminated any tendency to send the customer away from our page and into the arms of another bat house salesman, while offering useful information in the form of articles and sources for bat info to our customer. At the same time we satisfy link hungry search algorithms with links to stories, articles or groups directly related to our keyword.

Most important, we have used the text on our page to give the consumer what they really want - information about the product, our company, how to order and information about the guarantee (an important secondary keyword).

When we're on the Internet to sell, we want to make that sale as easy as possible for the serious customer. Serious customers are those who want to buy now. Their time is precious. They already know what they want or need, and are simply looking for the best and most convenient place to get that item.

For this customer, our to-the-point, keyword focused web, will not only deliver what they want, but will alleviate their frustration in finding that special product.

Remember that the true goal of search optimization and marketing is to match a searcher with a web site that features the item for which they are searching. How better to realize this goal than to take the hard-line approach to keyword optimizing your sales web sites? Help your business by helping your customer with a keyword aggressive web site.

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