Monday, November 10, 2008

Keyword Themes Increase Visitors, Rank Higher and Decrease Marketing Budget

Web development, keyword themes and search engine optimization are like many other jobs we do every day. Take cooking, landscaping or decorating for instance. Perhaps you remember a popular spaghetti sauce commercial for Prego. After a character asks the cook if they have remembered to use a long list of ingredients, the cook answers, "It's in there!" This is my Prego approach to using SEO and specifically, keyword themes as a web development guideline.

In Web Development, Keyword Themes Stack the Odds in Our Favo
Don't think of the search engine as having millions of entries per keyword or phrase. Understand that there are 1,000 entries and that's it. The rest exist in a black hole in space that will not be seen in time to earn you a dollar or a visitor.

Looking at the results for any key phrase, the statistics tell us that there are, for example, 489,876,431 entries. On closer review, we can verify that 489,876,431 entries are never listed on the major engines. There are in fact only 1,000 entries listed for a search.

If you aren't in that first 1,000 of those millions of reported search engine statistics, your site has no search engine representation. That means it is impossible for anyone to find your site except those to whom you specifically give the address, totally defeating the purpose of having a web site in the first place.

The keyword theme helps us overcome the outrageous odds stacked against our sites.
Using specific search engine optimization formulas in our initial web development, we can produce several related key phrases that effectively boost our placement in search results. Not only can we be sure to be among the 1,000, using this strategy fully should get your site in the top 25 within 30 - 45 days or sooner.

Let's use basic html to illustrate this idea, which involves making an original keyword phrase the theme that ties our images, tags, titles and links, headings, and sub webs together.

You have a product, idea or service in mind. Develop a sentence of less than twelve words that says the most important things you want to communicate. We'll use the title of this article as an example.

Web Development: Keyword Themes Increase Visitors, Rank Higher & Decrease Marketing Budget
Perhaps you wouldn't think of using so many words as a base key phrase. But look at how many opportunities and combinations in which we can use these keywords without violating those vague rules of overuse otherwise known as spamming the search engine.

From this base key phrase, we have many chances to fall in the target range of the visitor looking for the content existing on our page.

Briefly, we can state some SEO understandings that are talked about in many other places and are a basis for this concept.

* The title of the page will be the first instance in which our phrase is seen. This should not be more than 12 words long.

* A description of the page follows, which should also lead with the key phrase words in the same order as the title.

* Tags will be seen next, with key words presented in the same order as they are in the page title and description.

Tags and description of course can be much longer than 12 words, but should start out with the same words placed in the same order as the page title.

Think of theme the same way you do when landscaping or decorating a house. You may use the color blue, for example, in different places throughout, to tie the project together and create a unified appearance.

Images, links, tags, headings and titles can work the same way as the color blue. They present an opportunity to use the words in our key phrase, to tie our project together and present a unified appearance for both spider and visitor.

When we landscape or decorate, the color "blue" is not our entire theme. Not everything is blue, but blue would be one of the colors that we see first and often. We may not consciously think, "Blue was used in the flowers at the curb and then again in the plantings leading up to the front door, and again in the entry." However, the impression was created and we may just think, "Very nice yard."

Taking the same approach, let's look at the title for this article again.

Web Development: Keyword Themes Increase Visitors, Rank Higher & Decrease Marketing Budget
All the words in this phrase create our theme. In our web development landscape, we are going to sprinkle this keyword theme throughout the web site's design. If we think of the words, or groupings of words, in the title as different colors, we easily understand that we don't have to use all of the words in a specific instance to achieve the effect of developing our theme.

If we want to use two or more of the words from any place in our key phrase, we only have to use them in the order they appear in the title.

A heading that means " Stack the Odds by Making a Keyword Phrase Your Theme " can be rearranged to say:

"In Web Development, Keyword Themes Stack the Odds in Our Favor".

This technique allows us to make different parts of the phrase prominent, or appear closer to the beginning of a sentence, title or paragraph. At the same time it keeps the words of the broken original in logical order so it can be counted as a recurring keyword phrase.

Web Development: Keyword Themes Increase Visitors, Rank Higher & Decrease Marketing Budget
We use words from the original to create a separate but related keyword phrase:

"In Web Development, Keyword Themes Stack the Odds in Our Favor."

We can use many different combinations of the phrase, but using them in logical order will create varieties that will help boost the search engine rank, by keeping the content focused.

In this article, our most important ideas fall in this order:

1. Web development and keyword themes
2. Increasing visitors
3. Ranking higher in search
4. Decreasing marketing expense

Accordingly, the first "color" in the theme that we want people to notice is "Web Development: Keyword Themes." This is also the "color" we want them to see most often. It is the most important message of our article.

We know that we will reach a saturation point where this most important phrase has been used too often, and the search engine will begin to penalize us, banishing our web to that black hole we spoke of earlier.

This is where the theme formula will keep us out of trouble and in the top ten.
Because certain areas on every web page naturally lend themselves to optimization, these are areas where we can "legally," logically and without spamming, use the theme concept to our advantage.

Plant the idea of the keyword theme and prominence in your mind. Now, apply the same strategy we used to create this phrase,

"In Web Development, Keyword Themes Stack the Odds in Our Favor"

to creating keyword phrases when you develop:

* Titles
* Meta tags
* Headings
* First words
* Links

The title of our page has already been created.
Notice that both the description and the keyword tags contain words other than those in our theme. Still, even in the keywords, the most important part of the theme phrase is listed first and all three tags use the same order.

The previous tags are established primarily for a search engine robot's benefit.

Now we can manage the areas that our visitors see, the header, links, heading and text.

Look at this screen shot of a web page from the visitor's point of view. Just as we have arranged the hidden content so the spider will know what we offer, here, we have arranged the visual content to do the same thing. This creates a cohesive theme that is easily understood.

Let's break down the steps.

In our header image, the major "colors" in our theme are present.

* Web Development
* Keyword Theme
* Increasing Visitors
* Ranking Higher

Because this is an image, we can take a little liberty with the keyword order since these are human visual words that the spider can't read. Adding robot language to the image by naming it something like "webdevelopment-keywordtheme" will create more relevance and substance. We can and should also add an alt tag, screen tip and a link to the header image.

Our navigational text links come next. They too provide an opportunity to extend our keyword theme further into the page, and in logical order. Don't forget to include screen tips, or titles, in the links. These links will be internal, but the advantage is that the names of the links and the links themselves will be extremely relevant.

When your domain is not keyword related, make your links point to a folder that is related. The first link is Web Development. The link can lead to "" then name the page "keyword-theme." So your page link would look like this:


After the links, we want a heading. The heading, like a subtitle, lets both human and robot visitors know what is coming on the page. In our example, we have used the key phrase. When we format this text as a heading class, the search robot will know that these words classify the text that comes after and are important.

Have you noticed that we've used the first important keyword theme idea several times and we have yet to address the text portion of our page? Since we have our layout in place, and have used the major phrase extensively in developing our page, it only requires a few more instances in the actual text to have a page that is optimized for the chosen keyword phrase.

At this point we have a chance to give our page more depth by treating each of the "colors" in our keyword theme phrase the same way we've treated the first four words. Optimizing for the three additional key phrases will give us a page that is very dense in content, relevant to our topic and more likely to be search listed for more than one keyword.

We can intentionally add images that can be optimized for "increased visitors," "ranking higher" and "decrease marketing budget."

In the same way, we can add links, headings and tags that correlate with other parts of our keyword theme phrase. This helps us to pick up representation on search pages for keywords other than our most important.

Since most people like to have a number for reference, keep the use of each keyword phrase to five. That is, no more than five instances of one phrase combination in:

* Images
* Titles - including link titles
* Alt tags
* Headings (limit of 2 for each phrase)

Links are the exception to limits. You can have as many links with as many of your key phrases in them as you can possibly find.

The web development bonus for using this theme strategy is that it also allows people with different configurations to better enjoy the content on our web pages. By using alt tags we have made it possible for those who don't allow or can't get images to get a better idea of the intent our web site serves. We have also made the text and images richer for our visitor by using screen tips to help define our meaning. Headings, links and pictures are related and help us to tell the story we want.

To learn more about using images as SEO, see this article: How To Optimize Images To Increase Rankings

For more information on how to use tags and choose keywords, see here: Search Engines: How to Make Them a Tag They Will Love

Following this strategy strictly on my last three web development jobs netted very happy customers who are are enthusiastically promoting my business to everyone they know. That's a little SEM bonus we can all use!

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