Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Email Authentication Update

In May of 2007, the email marketing industry converged in Boston for the Authentication and Online Trust Summit to discuss email authentication as well as online trust and security. We've compiled a few key updates that every email marketer should know about email authentication. If the concept of authentication is new to you, download our white paper to learn the basics so that the details from the summit will have greater meaning.
Email authentication has reached critical mass

Over 8 million domains are now Sender ID compliant, and Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) adoption is growing quickly. Today, it's estimated that over 50 percent of all legitimate email is authenticated. This adoption has led to increased deliverability, stronger brand protection, and the introduction of enhanced reputation solutions. Bottom line: if your email is not being authenticated, it needs to be.

Authentication is still not the silver bullet for email delivery
Although email authentication sets the stage for improved delivery and defines who can send email for a specific domain, it's not the silver bullet that will instantly increase your email campaign success. A holistic approach combining authentication, reputation, relevancy and marketing strategy is more important than ever to ensure positive results. While authentication is a key ingredient in the mix, you must be sending targeted messages with content that relates to your audience in a consistent and responsible manner.

Focus on your "from" name and subject line
As email clients like Outlook and Yahoo! continue to increase in sophistication, they are making it easier for users to manage messages without opening them. This makes your "from" name and subject line extremely important. A recent Email Sender and Provider Coalition (ESPC) study showed that 80 percent of respondents decide whether to click on the "Report Spam" or "Junk" button without opening the actual message, and that 73 percent based that decision on the "From" name while 69 percent based the decision on the subject line.

Email Authentication Help Center
The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) announced this week the launch of its Email Authentication Help Center, which is designed to help email marketers authenticate all outbound email. For more information, visit http://www.the-dma.org/emailauthentication.

Working with your email service provider
If your ESP is not talking to you about email authentication, you need to ask them about their practices and policies. SubscriberMail remains at the forefront of emerging email technologies, as we continually strive to give our clients the best possible services and technology to enable the highest delivery of email messages.

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