Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Effective Keyword Choise Strategy and Useful Tools

There are several ways to describe the enigma that is keyword marketing. The use of carefully selected words to optimize a site's content for search engines presents one explanation. Keywords will be relevant words and parts of phrases that relate to the site content. This article will give you plenty of tips for choosing those all-important keywords.

So what kinds of keywords should you use? Well, to coin a few simple examples, if you have a site that focuses on mobile phones, some keywords might be "mobile, mobile phone, phone tariffs, cellular," etc. If it is a movie information site, keywords could be "movie, movies, film, films, horror, sci-fi, action, cinema"......and so forth.

One correctly targeted keyword will produce a better overall search engine ranking than keywords just generally placed. That does mean that both targeted and general keyword types will help the site maintain a high ranking. With the mobile phone and movie site examples above, the search engines will know the site theme while "crawling" the site pages. This is where the keyword power needs to be utilized. If the user wants to find mobile phone sites that host budget phones, he or she may type the keywords mentioned above.

The presence of that keyword placed strategically across the site is a factor in determining whether or not the site is ranked high in a search on sites like Yahoo. Many users will type broader search criteria into the search engines if they are uncertain of exactly what they seek. They may be wondering what the best mobile deals are at present, but do not know which model, service provider, etc. they should favor. So the keywords above in the first paragraph would fall into this generalized category and can produce very general but also occasionally foggy results. This positioning and choice of keywords is crucial for a site towards SEO optimization.

So, what are the most useful keywords for a site?
Establish what keywords are most used in the context of the site content and theme. The SEO campaign begins at this point and does not need to be an arduous process. There is no set number of keywords that can be put forward here for driving traffic. If keyword density is to be utilized, a ball park figure can be derived by dividing the number of instances of the keyword by the total number of words in the content. Then multiply by a hundred to see the keyword density percentage.

Safe figures fall between 10 - 15% and up to 25% but this is just a guideline and not a rigid rule. The point is that your keywords depend on your target audience's needs, and what keywords they will use to locate sites that will provide the information sought through a search on Yahoo or Google.

First, think about the theme of the site and write down the most popular words that come to mind. Ensure they are words that are likely to be used in finding the site's content. Remember what was mentioned previously about targeted and generalized keywords. Make a list of both types; go over the site content, read it carefully.

Using whatever web design software is necessary, bold the words found or underline them and work out the keyword density for each for the top four or five keywords. This assumes that the content has been written and SEO optimization is now required. If the content is yet to be written, just be conscious from the start of the placement of the keywords chosen.

When compiling the list of keywords, bear in mind what will be sought on search engines by the target audience. The focus of the site should revolve around the keywords, not the other way round. Knowing the target audience will enable some instant keyword choices. Try some searches on Yahoo using the keywords and also other key phrases. See what is found and make notes of the top keywords leading to similar sites.

Don't worry about absolute accuracy at this point. Reviews of some great SEO tools will follow to help the process of developing an effective SEO plan. The initial main factors to consider are:

* Popular keywords related to the site theme.
* Keywords should reflect the focus of the site's target audience.

Do the research first, and then move onto developing that killer SEO plan.
Once the keyword research has been carried out, there should be a list of relevant and powerful words to add to the site content. The research must be done thoroughly to establish what keywords will drive web surfers to a site. Start with a list of words commonly used by web surfers. The strategy is about becoming known on the web, bringing the site to the web surfers so they become visitors and, in turn, customers.

It is worth checking what sites are found through the most popular words. Why are the keywords bringing up this list and what are the visitors buying from that site or reading? From this, a developing plan of action will emerge showing where potential customers are going. This will generate a plan to drive traffic to a site on a regular basis. Bear in mind that whether or not the site sells services or products or just information, it is the content that people will want to see and the reason why retention will occur by keeping those visitors coming back for more.

Check the results from top engines like Yahoo and Google in selected keywords. Scrutinize competitor sites. What do they possess that attracts their customers? Take a look at the tags in the source code of the site as they will show what keywords attracted the traffic generated.

Take a look at the SEO tools right here on SEO Chat on the left hand side. There are various tools of interest here to help with SEO optimization. The Adsense calculator is a great way to estimate potential earnings. Even better, if the page impressions and cost per click is already known, a projected earnings forecast can be calculated. This is a great tool for this task. Read about the Adsense program at http://google.adsense.com. Google pays those enrolled in the program for displaying ads on their site that are relevant to the site's content. This is a strong way to drive potential traffic.

The Google Keywords tool is a good starting point when evaluating the strength of a chosen keyword. Use the tool to provide keywords relevant to the key term entered. The popularity of that keyword will be evident and the choices can be taken forward. Additionally, the Overture Keywords tool should be used in tandem for best results. The Robots.txt generator will help the creation of a file that can be configured to block pages from search engines that you desire to hide. While using the search engines to evaluate what keywords are the most popular, try comparing the results of Yahoo to Google with the Google VS Yahoo tool.

Question the keywords. Are they words that would be used to find the site being promoted? Another little trick is to deliberately misspell words in the keyword list for the tags as there are some pretty horrendous spellers out there e.g. mobile could also be written as mobil.

Pay per Click campaigns are regularly used by Internet marketers and web designers to promote their sites. They can also earn you a lot of money; those bucks turn up in thousands for the most effective plans out there. It is, however, a process that requires a large amount of work. Essentially, if a surfer clicks an ad placed by the designer, that designer receives a fee from the advertiser. Where Google Adwords is concerned, bids are placed on keywords that will be used by web surfers while searching for the site's products. Keyword bids start from as little as one cent a word up to many dollars. Thus, skills employed by the marketer to carefully select the words will decide whether money is accumulated or lost.

Another strategy is link sharing. There are bound to be similar sites that may already have heavy traffic on their pages. Sharing links with such sites, and therefore traffic, benefits both parties. The best way to accomplish this is to write articles as part of a blog or for free article submission sites like articlesbase.com. Write articles on the theme of the site on submission sites. Links back to the site being promoted can be placed in these articles. Find blogs and forums that will allow the hosting of articles with links that will allow visitors to click through to the site.

Here is a short list of SEO points to keep in mind:

* Keyword research on site theme.
* PPC campaigns such as Google Adwords and Adsense.
* Link sharing.
* Articles written about the site products and services containing links.
* Strong use of keywords on the home page to maximize initial SEO strength.
* Placing the most effective keywords and phrases in the description tags.

There are more methods, though these will provide a strong base for any future SEO plan.

Finally, I'd like to share a review of a truly magical tool for carefully formulating an SEO plan complete with keyword and PPC optimized campaigns. It is called Web CEO and can be found at http://www.webceo.com . It is a complete package and is also free.

What can be said here? Well, as an SEO tool, this is a true winner. All the tools required to take your SEO strategy plan forward are rolled into this one complete package.

Here is how Web CEO can help promote a site successfully:

* Generate many keyword choice results as part of its quick keyword research ability.
* Know why a site is not ranked highly in the search engines.
* Check those rankings in over a hundred search engines.
* Establish the site's link popularity.
* Find potential link partners to initiate a link sharing campaign.
* Real time analysis on a 24 hr basis of slow pages, missing pages, lost transactions, visitor tracking.
* Edit web pages with Web CEO's visual editor and upload them to the server.
* Receive Traffic Statistic analysis reports.
* Gain a certificate as a CIM (Certified Internet Marketer) for free.

This is a wonderfully complete package and is worth checking out if an SEO marketing plan is in the making.

Remember, this article is purely a guide to the salient points of keyword strategies in SEO. It is actually a huge subject. The points covered will help in the deployment of that all-important marketing strategy and provide more exposure to any web site. Good Luck!

1 comment:

одна из обезьян said...

Thank you for your interesting article about keywords.

You mentioned WebCEO as a tool that can help a lot. Do not you think about writing something like "How to use WebCEO to research keywords"?

I use this software too and it is interesting to know if there is something I do not know about.

Thanks in advance